Nowadays most of the social services exist only for the people who are old, poor, or disabled, and it seems that it's the accustomed way to cherish what we have already. But isn't it too sad to just value sufferings as our reflections to life? We believe that "serving" can happen in every part of our daily living, but when we serve, self-awareness is also important, because everything on earth will eventually parish, so what can we do to pass on something that will stay eternally? This is a journey that travels through time and space. Cambodia, as Taiwan fifty years ago; Japan, as Taiwan fifty years later, let us observe and feel the changing process when we get involved with the people, environment and culture through different time and spaces. From the past, present and future, we attentively know more about the world and ourselves, and ponder on the value of life.
計劃介紹 Introduction of the Projects
50年前的台灣究竟是一個什麼樣子? 在1970年之後,台灣的經濟快速起飛,大量的農村青年來到台北城市工作,每一個人積極、努力,期望能擺拖貧窮、人人充滿了希望,如同現在柬埔寨的兩大城市-金邊和暹粒的情況,透過柬埔寨計劃,我們與青年對話,透過對話試圖更深入了解柬埔寨,以不同觀點認識柬埔寨的文化及人民,打破我們對貧窮的認知、重新學習我們對生命的態度。 1. Love in Cambodia How does Taiwan look like 50 years ago? After the 70's, lots of Taiwanese countryside young people came to the city to pursue their dream, as they were so eager to have a brighter, and hopeful future. Same thing happens right now in the two big cities of Cambodia-Phnom Penh and Siem Reap; we get chance to talk to the Khmer youths, and be more familiar with Cambodia through different point of views. Is poverty exactly the way we think it is? This journey will surely broaden our horizons to the world and to life.
2、日本社區計服務計劃 Echigo-Tsumari program
目前台灣也面臨到農村社區人口外流及老化之現象,透過此次日本越後妻有社區營造活動,探索在服務學習領域中是否能有更多元性之發展,以服務學習之方式,啟發自我覺醒與反思,促使青年關注台灣農村社區文化及投入台灣農村社區營造之發展,協助平衡都市與農村之發展,以實際行動美麗台灣。 Presently Taiwan is facing the population outflowing in the countryside just like Echigo-Tsumari, Japan. We would like to explore more ways to develop social services through this experience in Japan, and when we come back to Taiwan, what can we do to pay more attention to the problems of our countrysides and find a developing balance between urban and rural areas are the keys to help Taiwan become a better country.
3、台灣社區服務計劃 Countryside of Changhua
我們選定彰化西螺大橋附近的農地,希望可以成為柬埔寨及日本出團的培訓地及未來的服務基地,讓參與國際志工的夥伴們深度思考這之間的差異,真正的真、善、美就在我們的心中,回到了我們生長的土地之後,我們旅程才正要開始。 Changhua, one of the agricultural centers in Taiwan, as our selected county to be the training place of our international volunteering projects; we hope that through the experience in Changhua, our youths can discover the differences between living in the city and the countryside. The true meaning of service is about love, and it is already within us; when are back to our root, Taiwan, our mission and journey will have a brand new beginning.
Our vision
After attending international service learning programs, further, we encourage youths to join more social services in the communities they live, and by giving their best to help they will also develop a more solid friendship with local people. 透過國際志工服務,推動青年參與社區服務工作,促使每一個人發揮其所能,關懷社區及我們所居住的環境,增進彼此親善和友誼。
After attending international service learning programs, further, we encourage youths to join more social services in the communities they live, and by giving their best to help they will also develop a more solid friendship with local people. 透過國際志工服務,推動青年參與社區服務工作,促使每一個人發揮其所能,關懷社區及我們所居住的環境,增進彼此親善和友誼。
計劃介紹 Introduction of the Projects
50年前的台灣究竟是一個什麼樣子? 在1970年之後,台灣的經濟快速起飛,大量的農村青年來到台北城市工作,每一個人積極、努力,期望能擺拖貧窮、人人充滿了希望,如同現在柬埔寨的兩大城市-金邊和暹粒的情況,透過柬埔寨計劃,我們與青年對話,透過對話試圖更深入了解柬埔寨,以不同觀點認識柬埔寨的文化及人民,打破我們對貧窮的認知、重新學習我們對生命的態度。 1. Love in Cambodia How does Taiwan look like 50 years ago? After the 70's, lots of Taiwanese countryside young people came to the city to pursue their dream, as they were so eager to have a brighter, and hopeful future. Same thing happens right now in the two big cities of Cambodia-Phnom Penh and Siem Reap; we get chance to talk to the Khmer youths, and be more familiar with Cambodia through different point of views. Is poverty exactly the way we think it is? This journey will surely broaden our horizons to the world and to life.
2、日本社區計服務計劃 Echigo-Tsumari program
目前台灣也面臨到農村社區人口外流及老化之現象,透過此次日本越後妻有社區營造活動,探索在服務學習領域中是否能有更多元性之發展,以服務學習之方式,啟發自我覺醒與反思,促使青年關注台灣農村社區文化及投入台灣農村社區營造之發展,協助平衡都市與農村之發展,以實際行動美麗台灣。 Presently Taiwan is facing the population outflowing in the countryside just like Echigo-Tsumari, Japan. We would like to explore more ways to develop social services through this experience in Japan, and when we come back to Taiwan, what can we do to pay more attention to the problems of our countrysides and find a developing balance between urban and rural areas are the keys to help Taiwan become a better country.
3、台灣社區服務計劃 Countryside of Changhua
我們選定彰化西螺大橋附近的農地,希望可以成為柬埔寨及日本出團的培訓地及未來的服務基地,讓參與國際志工的夥伴們深度思考這之間的差異,真正的真、善、美就在我們的心中,回到了我們生長的土地之後,我們旅程才正要開始。 Changhua, one of the agricultural centers in Taiwan, as our selected county to be the training place of our international volunteering projects; we hope that through the experience in Changhua, our youths can discover the differences between living in the city and the countryside. The true meaning of service is about love, and it is already within us; when are back to our root, Taiwan, our mission and journey will have a brand new beginning.
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